International exchange of professionals about young people in challenging help constellations (IFA/IPEP)
The project establishes and promotes a transnational exchange about young people in challenging help constellations. In a working alliance of science and practice, professionals and experts from Germany, Austria and Slovenia exchange experiences and develop cornerstones for successful, inclusive, sustainable approaches for young people.
Duration: 01.09.2021-30.09.2023
The reader for the “Fachkrä“ (FKI) was published [in german]:
Internationales Know-how für die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. 26 Projekte auf dem Weg in die Welt – Eine Handreichung für die Praxis [International know-how for child and youth welfare. 26 projects on the way into the world - a handout for practice]
The reader gives an overview of the initiative in the context of international child and youth welfare and the main topics of the FKI.
A second brochure presents the participating projects in profiles [in german]:
Fachkräfteinitiative.International: Beteiligte Projekte. Anlage zur Handreichung 26 Projekte auf dem Weg in die Welt [Fachkrä Participating projects]
This and current information on the initiative is available on the FKI website:
Kick-off meeting of Fachkräfteinitiative international (29.11.2021)
further information (in german)
Initial situation
In the practice of educational support services and institutions, processes of exclusion of children and young people can be observed across federal states when measures do not work as planned, when there are repeated crises and break-ups, or when children and young people are referred between youth welfare and child and adolescent psychiatry lead to so-called 'revolving door effects'. Children and young people can experience a passing on in measures up to real 'help careers'. A failure or repeated failure of help arrangements on a professional and/or institutional level usually results in negatively charged, institutional labeling of the children and young people as 'hard to reach' or 'system crasher:in'. As care leavers, they can ‘drop out’ of all systems or turn away from them (“drop outs”; “disconnected youth”; “decoupled” young people). Negative labeling and 'demonization' of children and young people can lead to the legitimacy of restrictive and repressive, coercive approaches up to forms of deprivation of liberty in youth welfare facilities, which are neither justifiable from children's rights, ethical perspecitives nor from a professional socio-pedagogical point of view.
The project takes up the maxim of inclusion. The maxim of inclusion opposes the exclusion of children and young people from regular systems, against the further development and expansion of special facilities and against standardized procedures with children and young people that do not justice to their special features and diversity. Against this background, it is important to qualify and secure the ability of youth welfare to act viable even in challenging and critical situations. In its exchange, the working alliance of professionals from universities and practice wants to focus on the question of an appropriate professional, inclusive handling of challenging help constellations and work out key points and cornerstones together.
The aim of the international exchange of professionals is to exchange knowledge relevant to everyday life, approaches and conditions for the success of sustainable, inclusive approaches in the support for education for challenging support constellations. 'Key points' and cornerstones in the sense of experiences, central topics and conclusions for practice are to be worked out.
Digital meeting formats ("online forums") and on-site exchange ("country meetings") are used for international exchange. Possibilities as well as limits of a transnational digital exchange on a professional topic of services and procedures of youth and family support are tested.
Contact information
Project coordination
Prof. Dr. Nicole Rosenbauer
Tel.: +49 (0) 361 6700-3020
Cooperation partners
Partners in education and science:
- Prof. Nicole Rosenbauer, Evangelische Hochschule Dresden (University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing, Dresden, Germany)
- Prof. Werner Freigang, Hochschule Neubrandenburg (University of Applied Sciences, Neubrandenburg, Germany)
- Prof. Hubert Höllmüller, Fachhochschule Kärnten (University of Applied Sciences, Kärnten, Austria)
- Prof. Milko Poštrak, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work (Slovenia)
Cooperating institutions of youth welfare services:
Mladinski dom Jarše – Ljubljana | Slovenia | |
B3-Netzwerk Kinder, Jugend und Familien gGmbH, Krumpendorf am Wörthersee | Austria | |
Contraste Kinder- und Jugendwohngemeinschaften gGmbH, Krumpendorf | Austria | |
JUNO - Jugendnotschlafstelle Klagenfurt | Austria | |
BSW Kinder- und Jugendhilfe gGmbH, Colditz (Sachsen) | Germany | |
Jugendhaus Storchennest e.V., Niepars (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) | Germany |
Funded by:
This project is part of Fachkräfteinitiative International
Fachkräfteinitiative.International supports organizations and providers of child and youth welfare in anchoring europeanization and internationalization in their own work. It accompanies 26 different projects that are committed to cooperation in Europe and the world within the framework of bilateral or multilateral projects.

Fachkräfteinitiative international is coordinated by:

The project is funded by: