Call for abstracts: Summer School on Professions "Concepts on professionalism, professions and professional conduct in contemporary contexts", Frist: 31. März 2025
ESA RN-19 Summer School on Professions
"Concepts on professionalism, professions and professional conduct in contemporary contexts"
July 28-31, 2025; Dresden, Germany
The European Sociological Association (ESA) Research Network 19 – Sociology of Professions, in collaboration with the German Sociological Association (DGS) Section for Sociology of Professions, invites PhD candidates and early career postdocs to its second Summer School. The event will take place from July 28 to 31, 2025, at the University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education, and Nursing in Dresden, Germany. This year’s Summer School will focus on concepts of professionalism, professions, and professional conduct in contemporary contexts. Participants will explore theoretical perspectives and empirical research on professions, including (but not limited to) themes such as changes in professionalism, hybridism, and specific professional fields like academic professions, health professions, and social work professions.
The purpose of the Summer School is to provide a platform for early career scholars topresent their research, receive feedback from peers and senior researchers, and engage incollaborative discussions. The event fosters networking opportunities with recognizedexperts and other participants, helping to shape research ideas and gain valuable input forongoing doctoral and postdoctoral projects.
Who is eligible and how to apply
The summer school offers a capacity of 20 student places. We warmly welcome PhD students and early career postdocs (max. 2 years from graduating) from European and international universities whose current research is related to the themes of the summer school.
Please send an abstract with a maximum of 600 words by March 31st 2025 to the organizers