
German Academic Exchange Service

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the world's largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and scholars. Since its foundation in 1925, more than 1.5 million scholars in Germany and abroad have received DAAD funding. The DAAD is a registered association and its members are German institutions of higher education and student bodies. Its activities go far beyond simply awarding grants and scholarships. The DAAD supports the internationalisation of German universities, promotes German studies and the German language abroad and helps developing countries to establish efficient universities. It advises decision-makers on matters of cultural, educational and development policy.

The main sources of financing are: federal funding by various German ministries, especially the Federal Foreign Office, funds from the European Union and a number of enterprises, organisations and foreign governments. The DAAD's head office is in Bonn but it also has an office in the German capital, Berlin, to which the famous Berlin Artists-in-Residence Programme (Berliner Künstlerprogramm) is closely affiliated. It maintains contact with its main partner countries on all continents via a network of 14 regional offices and 51 information centres that provide advice on site.

In 2010, the DAAD funded more than 74,000 Germans and foreigners worldwide through more than 250 programmes. The funding offers range from a semester abroad for undergraduates to doctoral programmes, from internships to visiting lectureships, and from visits to gather information through to assisting with the establishment of new universities abroad. The DAAD supports the international activities of German institutions of higher education through marketing services, publications, events and training courses.

Find out more about the DAAD:

Brüder- und Schwesternschaft Martinshof e.V. (Martinshof brotherhood and sisterhood)

We are a community of women and men who commit themselves to diaconal work in their professional work or on a voluntary basis.

We help people who need support in everyday life or in special life situations. We are committed to the biblical principle that every individual is made in the image of God and are guided by the twofold commandment of love:

you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.

With this in mind, we grant a scholarship to a female student from abroad, studying at the Evangelische Hochschule Dresden. 

Find out more about the Brüder- and Schwesternschaft Martinshof e.V.